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Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

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Help Feed the World

Your generosity to OSU Agriculture initiatives furthers our mission and positively impacts the lives of Oklahomans and the state’s economy. The culture created by the OSU Agriculture family is sustained by alumni and friends. Thank you for your encouragement and annual support through the years. Please consider making a gift to help our students and faculty continue to find success in the mission to help feed the world.



Questions? Connect with our team

Teresa Gustafson
Teresa Gustafson

Senior Director of Development and Team Lead for OSU Agriculture


Areas of Impact to Give

When you support OSU Agriculture, you help shape the future of Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the funds below, you make our future brighter orange! Information for mail-in contributions can be found at the bottom of the page. If you would like to donate online to a specific project, please designate in the "Other Comments" area under the Fund.

Dean's Excellence Fund in Agriculture

These funds are used to advance the priorities in OSU Agriculture identified by Dr. Jayson Lusk, vice president and dean. The account could be used to assist a student in need, provide a mini-grant for a scientist, provide funding for new programs, or provide discretionary funding associated with fundraising, educational programs and other events.

Agronomy Research Station Fund

The OSU Agronomy Research Station houses one of the top wheat breeding programs in the world. Many of the agronomy farm buildings were built 60 years ago and require major repairs or are "end of life." These aging structures threaten to compromise the advancement of OSU's wheat breeding trials. The need to modernize the facilities is imperative to position the wheat breeding team to continue its outstanding scientific and economic impacts.

Animal Excellence

OSU has a tradition of animal excellence and a future of innovation to nourish the world and enhance human and animal health. The Animal Excellence initiative elevates animal agriculture at OSU through exemplary teaching, groundbreaking research and Extension capabilities by developing a Beef Center of Excellence and updating animal teaching farms.

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Excellence Fund

OSU Extension is a valuable asset to Oklahoma communities and families. Donations and endowments help keep OSU Extension services at the highest standard for OSU Agriculture and the university. Increased funding will support OSU Extension in its incredible educational work that is relied on by so many. 

Mission Areas

OSU Agriculture is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people of Oklahoma through science-based information and education. OSU Agriculture is comprised of the Ferguson College of Agriculture and two state agencies: the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.

Jayson Lusk

Meet the VP & Dean

Dr. Jayson Lusk is the vice president and dean of OSU agricultural programs. He leads the Ferguson College of Agriculture and two state agencies: OSU Extension and OSU Ag Research. Dr. Lusk has published more than 270 scientific articles, six books, and travels extensively for speaking engagements and media appearances.
Caleb Snodgrass

Caleb Snodgrass

Senior, Plant and Soil Sciences

"Scholarships have made a big difference in my college journey, offering financial support and opening doors to new opportunities. Whether you're a freshman or a senior, a first-gen student or not, the scholarships from the Ferguson College of Agriculture or OSU Foundation show that there's a Loyal and True community cheering for you and believing in your future."

Mail-in Donations

To make a tax deductible donation via mail, make out a check to the OSU Foundation. Add the specific Fund name and ID number in the memo so we know where the proceeds should go.


Mail checks to:
OSU Foundation
PO Box 258818
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-9917


Thank you for your support!